Dak Prescott’s heart and charitable ventures earns him the 2022 Walter Payton NFL Man of the Year Award

Dak Prescott, winner of the Walter Payton Man of the Year Award.

Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott may be criticized for his bad decisions in important moments of key games, but if there is one thing that cannot be criticized, but rather praised, it is his good heart and the enormous work he does for others off the field.

During the NFL Honors, Prescott was presented with the NFL’s highest award, the Walter Payton Man of the Year Award, which recognizes humanitarian work outside the gridiron.

“Thank you to the NFL, to Commissioner Goodell, to Nationwide for recognizing the impact that we as NFL players can have off the field,” Prescott said. “To the Payton family, I have so much appreciation for Walter, for his beautiful family continuing the legacy through his charitable work.”


“That’s something I’ve always said, that I hope when he’s done playing, they can say he was a hell of a player, but he was a much better person,” he added.

Prescott thus became the fourth player in Dallas Cowboys history to win the award, which has previously been won by Roger Staubach (1978), Troy Aikman (1997) and Jason Witten (2012).

“As a Dallas Cowboy, I am honored to join the previous recipients of this award, such a prestigious award, who are Roger Staubach, Troy Aikman and Jason Witten,” Prescott said. “These are men I admire and have learned a lot from. To be recognized I will never take for granted and it’s something I will forever be proud of.”

After his mother died of cancer and his brother died of suicide, Dak has done a lot of work on behalf of health through his Faith Fight Finish (FFF) foundation, which focuses on colon cancer research, mental health and suicide prevention, building bridges between law enforcement and their communities, and helping those facing life adversity.

Cowboys QB Dak Prescott named 2022 Walter Payton NFL Man of the Year

Dak closed his thank you speech by honoring his mother, Peggy, who died of colon cancer in 2013, before he came to the NFL: “I want to acknowledge the person who has influenced my life the most: my mother Peggy.

“My mother was and continues to be my moral compass. And through my own charitable contributions, I try to share her strength and courage with the world. She was one of a kind”.

In addition to his support through FFF, Dak donated $1 million to improve police training and address racism in the wake of George Floyd‘s murder in 2020.

Last spring, Prescott succeeded Staubach and joined Aikman as co-chair of the Children’s Cancer Fund Gala, which annually serves to raise funds for pediatric cancer and research in North Texas and across the country.

Upon receiving the Walter Payton Man of the Year, Prescott also receives a $250,000 donation to the charity of his choice.

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