Dak Prescott and Solomon Thomas lead mental health awareness and suicide prevention forum

Dak Prescott at a public event.

Dallas Cowboys QB Dak Prescott has been involved in many different movements to help his community and those around him. But the most recent public activism he is doing has taken a life of its own and is close to his heart. The Grant Halliburton Foundation had a luncheon called Beacon of Hope. Dak Prescott attended the event and shared the stage with New York Jets DE Solomon Thomas. Both of them wanted to share their stories with the community about suicide prevention. Their families have suffered from this after Prescott’s brother, Jace, died from suicide in 2020. Thomas’ sister, Ella passed away from suicide in 2018.

Cowboys QB Dak Prescott, Jets DE Solomon Thomas team up to raise mental  health awareness

Since then, both NFL stars have been heavily involved in this cause. Solomon Thomas starated a foundation along with his parents called The Defensive Line. An organization similr to Prescott’s Faith Fight Finish foundation. They both decided to give the Grant Halliburton Foundation a boost with their presence and ny sharing their stories. Halliburton was a graduate of Plano West High School and died by suicide in November 2005 at the age of 19. He was attending the University of Texas at the time of his passing. After his death, the family created this foundation and have done reat things ever since.

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For Prescott and Thomas, suicide prevention starts with mental health awareness. According to the Centers for Disease Control and PRevention, suicide was amongst the leading causes of death among people ages 10-64 in 2020 alone. This was the second-leading cause of death for people ages 10-64. The event allowed both NFL stars to share their stories and remind people they are not alone in this fight. Around the entire United States, the ‘988’ number is the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. You will get all the psychological help you need if you are having these thoughts. Do not hesitate to call at any time.

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Dak Prescott said: “It’s a privilege to spend my time and just hopefully to spread hope. To give an understanding of Grant and what his life was and taking his life and just hearing the different stories from different family members and how many family members have been impacted. It’s special just being able to partner with Solomon Thomas. Just being able to speak out being a football player, being a man to end this stigma of men can’t speak out and men can’t deal with mental battles or mental issues. To see Solomon, a champion, speak out means the world. We’re part of an unfortunate brotherhood of losing a family member to suicide. To team up and end this epidemic and try to put our best foot forward.”

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